The Požeško-slavonska county Palace is located in Županijska Street, which stretches northbound starting from the northwestern corner of Požega’s main square. On the western side of the street, ever since the first half of the 18th century there was a baroque one-storey building built for the use of the Chamber region. After reinstalling the County in 1745 this building was reconstructed to meet their needs. The County Palace is a one-storey building with a rectangular layout, with three risalits on the main facade and an annex towards the backyard. The building was constructed in the historicistic fashion which is recognisable in its elaborately decorated facade, the use of pilasters, capitals, cornices and three domed towers. Special attention was paid to interior design, the construction of numerous and detailed stucco ornaments, and decorations above the doors.
Požeško-slavonska County palace