After you’ve clicked on the previous web menu and at least browsed through all the city sights and attractions which you can visit during your stay in Požega, in this menu we’d like to suggest the best sightseeing route which will enable you to see it all and at the end still have enough time for a nice rest over a cup of coffee and cakes, to buy some souvenirs, do some wine tasting, take a sip of local craft beer or have lunch in one of the cities restaurants.

 If you are arriving by tourist bus or if you are coming on your own by car, the best place to start your city tour would be the main square. If you are a tourist agent or a guide, you might find it useful to know that there is a tourist bus stop right in the square across from the “Plague column”. Make sure all the passengers are off the bus and then take it to the parking next to the Train station. Until you need it again that is.

 “The best route” will take you on a circular city tour which will take about 1,5 hours to complete. After you leave the bus you can first get to know the sights in Holy Trinity Square. There you will see: the City Museum, City Hall, the Green Market, Church of the Holy Spirit with the Franciscan Monastery, Holy Trinity Monument known also as the “Plague column”, the City Theatre and the Bishop’s Palace.

After you’ve seen the main square, you can take the southern route down the Cehovska ulica street towards the County Court Palace at the corner of the Ulica Dragutin Lerman street (he was a world-famous explorer of Africa in the 19th century) and then continue further down the main street to the “Kamenita vrata” (The Stone Gates) and the memorable monument to the soldiers and victims of Croatia’s independence war of 1991, better known as the Homeland War.

 From there take a right turn and continue down the Ulica Franje Thauzyja street towards the Trg Svete Terezije Square where you will probably want to stay a bit longer. Here you will find the statue of Friar Luka Ibrišimović Sokol, the 17th-century liberator from the Ottomans, the Diocese Museum of the Požega Bishopric and the beautiful baroque cathedral of St. Theresa of Avila.  Behind the nearby Catholic elementary school and Gymnasium you will see a small hill with a nice park-forest promenade called “Stari grad”, the site of the former medieval fortified castle.

 From the cathedral square continue down the Ulica pape Ivana Pavla II Street, next to the Gymnasium towards the Ulica Antuna Kanižlića Street. There next to the elementary school turn right towards the Convent of Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent. Right next to the convent, in the direction of the main square you will see the last of the sights on the “best sightseeing route” – the Romanesque-Gothic-Baroque church of St. Lawrence and from there by only steps away from where you started this walk.

 We are pretty certain that this suggested route will not tire you down but intrigue you to see all the sights along the way and as you finish the walk give you an idea where to stop afterwards for coffee, cakes or a proper lunch before the tourist bus returns to pick you up. Look around closely and see where you can find some interesting souvenirs too.

One of the souvenirs you simply must take with you from Požega is a bar of chocolate or a bottle of fruit liqueur made by Zvečevo, or a selection of locally produced kulen and cured meats, as well as a bottle of university-crafted wine. Both shops are located close to the point where you started the city tour, in Cehovska and Ulica Sv. Florjana Streets.

 At the end of the walk, right across from the Bishop’s Palace you will find the tourist info-centre and the Požega Tourist Office. There you can find city maps and tourist brochures and get more information about the city and the countryside. The tourist office staff will be more than happy to assist you with some tips on what else to visit and experience in Požega and the surrounding “Hills and Walleyes”.

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